Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback:
Understand Your Brain and Get The Help You Need

Most mental health issues are addressed with medication or counseling. Both methods help assess and treat symptoms; however, neither looks at the organ it is treating. Optimize Mind Care, takes the guesswork out of your mental health by using qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) brain mapping and neurofeedback to understand how your brain is functioning and impacting your symptoms. These brain-based tools are a new concept to some, yet they are one of the only ways to find the root cause.

Would you wear a cast without an x-ray confirming you broke a bone? Likely not. The same concept applies here. How can you achieve real and lasting change to your mental health if you do not know how your brain is functioning? Quick answer – you likely cannot.

It is common for mental health conditions to be misdiagnosed or prescribed the wrong treatment since most diagnostic assessments only evaluate a patient’s symptoms. This is problematic because many disorders have overlapping symptoms. Brain mapping and neurofeedback are favorable in this scenario because they can distinguish diagnoses from one another, identify the brain regions linked to your symptoms, and then train them to function correctly.

Follow-up brain mapping is done to show patients with anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, PTSD, and a wide range of other conditions their progress. The precision of these proven approaches leads to faster symptom relief, which clients find hopeful and motivating.

Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback
for Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common psychiatric conditions. It commonly shows up as phobias, social and generalized anxiety, OCD, and panic attacks. QEEG brain mapping and neurofeedback are proven, non-invasive, and medication-free methods that analyze and directly optimize the brainwave frequencies linked to anxiety.

Anxiety usually appears in the brain map as hyper-coherence. Neurofeedback addresses anxiety at its origin by training the brain to resolve these imbalances. This commonly results in relief from worry, dread, restlessness, obsessive thoughts, a rigid mindset, overanalyzing, or overreacting.

Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback
for Stress

Stress is a broad term that covers many disorders and can present differently from person to person. Too much stress can dominate someone’s health and well-being. The symptoms of stress are usually seen in the brain map as an excessive amount of fast beta brainwaves.

Neurofeedback can impact the areas of the brain that are producing a stress response. This is different from learning how to manage stress because it helps the brain learn new patterns to replace anxious patterns.

Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback
For Sleep Problems and Insomnia

Most people underestimate the importance of sleep. During sleep, the brain performs numerous crucial body and mind processes. Sleeping less than 7 hours or getting poor quality sleep compromises these processes and significantly impacts learning, memorization, the immune system, and hormones. Research also shows inadequate sleep contributes to Alzheimer’s disease and often leads to relationship and mood issues.

Seventy million Americans have sleep disorders, the most common being difficulty falling or staying asleep and not waking up recharged. People usually turn to sleep aids to try and help their sleep struggles, the most common being over-the-counter medications and alcohol. These remedies worsen sleep problems by sedating the brain rather than allowing it to generate natural, restorative sleep.

Brain mapping identifies the brainwave patterns associated with sleep issues. Most often, the brain is in an overactive state, which makes it difficult to relax. Unlike other treatment modalities, Optimize Mind Care can teach the brain through neurofeedback sessions to produce the brainwaves needed to fall and stay asleep.

Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback
for Depression

Depression can have different causes and forms. It is one of the leading mental health conditions in the world and is typically treated with medication. It is essential to know the difference between just managing symptoms of depression versus understanding what is causing them. Without a complete understanding, medication can end up being inappropriate and ineffective.

QEEG brain mapping shows patients the brain regions involved with depression to confirm if they are functioning within normal range. Depression commonly appears in the brain map as an overactive limbic system or amplitude asymmetry, which is an imbalance of activation in one specific brain region compared to another.

Neurofeedback is used to naturally and non-invasively train the brainwave patterns outside the normal range to help resolve the issue at the source. When the physiology of depression is addressed, positive mental and behavioral changes often follow.

Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback
For Trauma and PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can significantly disrupt a person’s life. It develops when an individual at any age experiences a sudden event that is traumatizing. This results in the brain forming a learned response to prepare for the next event.

Common causes include abuse or assault, the sudden death of a loved one, witnessing violence, surviving a natural disaster or automobile accident, military combat, or a life-threatening medical event. PTSD is also more prevalent among certain occupations, including police officers, EMTs, firefighters, and health care personnel.

In a brain map, PTSD usually presents as excessive fast brainwave activity in multiple regions or an abnormal amount of slow brainwave activity, suggesting unprocessed or unconscious trauma. Neurofeedback can help resolve these abnormalities, reducing or eliminating intrusive images, startled reactions, substance abuse, mood challenges, difficulty sleeping, traumatic dreams, and the inability to relax.

Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback for a variety of conditions!

+ Addictions
+ Adoption
+ Alzheimer’s
+ Anger Issues
+ Anxiety
+ Asperger Syndrome
+ Attachment Disorders
+ Avoidant/Isolating Behaviors
+ Chronic Fatigue
+ Chronic Pain
+ Cognitive Decline
+ Depression
+ Dual Diagnosis
+ Eating Disorders
+ Emotional & Behavioral Control Challenges
+ Impulsivity
+ Lack of Motivation
+ Learning Disabilities
+ Memory Problems
+ Migraines
+ Mood Disorders
+ Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD)
+ Oppositional Defiance (ODD)
+ Panic Attacks
+ Parkinson’s Disease
+ Phobias
+ School Issues
+ Self-Esteem Issues
+ Sleep Disorders
+ Stress
+ Substance Use/Numbing
+ Trauma
+ Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

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